Should you need the use of the Ocean City Mikvah, please call Mrs. Cohava Cohen at 443-754-1410 for more information and to book an appointment.

For more information about the laws of Mikvah please visit



A Mikvah is one of the most important and vital institutions for any community. The Mikvah opens a connection to eternal Jewish spirituality, and gives the gift of purity and transcendence to the individual, the community, and the Jewish people as a whole. Many might see the Shul as the central institution in Jewish life, but Jewish Law states that constructing a Mikvah takes precedence even over building a shul. Both a Shul and a Sefer Torah may be sold to raise funds for building a Mikvah. In fact, in the eyes of our Sages, Jewish families living together only attain the status of “community” once they have a communal Mikvah.

Our pristine, fully modern Community Mikvah combines practical beauty with innate spirituality, allowing for an experience that is private, relaxing, rejuvenating, and up-lifting.